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Among Us

Among Us

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  • Oct 26, 2022
  • 2022.10.25
  • 536.9 MB
  • InnerSloth LLC


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Among Us is a fun game with a simple premise that took over the world. It's your go-to if you seek to have a good time with your friends. The pandemic made this game particularly popular — Everyone was stuck at home and needed a break. But as time went on, many players stuck around. If you are searching for Among Us strategies and gameplay styles, you are in the right place! Let's dive into it.

You are in a spaceship. You are either a crewmate or an impostor, and someone is lying. As an impostor, your goal is to murder and turn every innocent person against each other. Crewmates, on the other hand, must complete tasks and work together to vote the impostors out.

Players report bodies when they find them in the spaceship, and a meeting discussion begins. That's where the fun lies — Who is lying? Who is telling the truth? You and your friends form alliances and betray each other until one comes out victorious.

Impostors must be clever and trick everyone during the match. It's an exhausting task, but it pays off in the end when you win. Let's go over some tips to make it to victory.

1) Use the Vents

Impostors can vent to move faster around the map and murder other players, but make sure no one sees you. Such an accusation will most likely get you voted out. Once you have memorized the spaceship map, you can vent in and out fast enough to stop worrying.

And note that it's not a good idea to stay in a vent for too long, as your friends will get suspicious when trying to locate you on the map. Where have you been for two minutes?


2) Accuse Other Impostors

You are not alone in this — You will know who your impostor mate is right from the beginning. It might make sense to defend them at all costs, but that might cost you the match indeed.

You don't want to get your foot out of the door if everyone thinks your fellow impostor is guilty. That would only end the match too soon and make things boring. Instead, blame them shamelessly to show everyone you are down for kicking impostors out!

3) But Don't Push It

Players who get emotional become the spotlight, whether innocent or guilty. Your friends will get suspicious if you put too much effort into kicking another impostor or explaining your alibi. It's best to play it cool and make an accusation here and there without drawing too much attention to yourself.

4) Pretend to do Tasks

This might be boring, but who will side with you if you are never around completing tasks? Learn where and what they are all about, so others won't catch you off guard. Good luck next time they accuse you of murder. What murder? — You were fixing the wires in the electrical room, and Orange saw you.


Crewmates Tips

Everyone wants to be the impostor, but crewmates play a massive role too. Who would kick the bad guys out? Here are some tips to make things more interesting.

1) Complete Every Task

If every crewmate completes their tasks before the impostors murder enough players, you win. Murdered or voted-out players can still do tasks as ghosts to help their teammates out. Even when you think the game is over, it's still on.

2) Form Alliances

Impostors won't like it, but it's a good way to build trust and win. Of course, an impostor can lie and pretend to be your friend only to murder you in the final stages of the match. It's all about verbal and non-verbal language and deduction. Can you really trust your best friend? Or are they lying to get you to vote that innocent person out?

3) Notice Alliances

Even when we pointed out that defending fellow impostors is not always the best choice, humans tend to fight for their own. If you notice two people are always there for each other, there may be something wrong. Or they simply formed an innocent-people alliance, just like you did. But either way, keep an eye on them!


Among Us is a simple and fast-paced game where friends become either impostors or innocent crewmates. They must complete tasks, avoid getting murdered (or murdering people instead) and vote others out. Only the ones who make it to the end of the match win. Who will it be?



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