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Human: Fall Flat

Human: Fall Flat

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  • Developer:
  • Jun 28, 2022
  • 1.9
  • 1.8 GB
  • 505 Games


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Action RPG


While fails and silly mishaps might be at the heart of Human: Fall Flat; this doesn't mean you can't enjoy the game in a more competitive way. Whether you are playing solo or with friends the game does have a set ending to reach, so today we'd like to share some of our key tips and tricks to make the most out of your play sessions with Human: Fall Flat.

So, keep on reading and discover how to make sure you wobble all the way to your goal on today's guide!

It's Always Better to Play with Friends

It might seem obvious to say this, after all games are more enjoyable with some company, but in the case of Human: Fall Flat this works on various levels.

First and foremost, it's of course way more fun to see what kind of crazy physics-based hijinks you get up to with more people. The game is always chaotic but every single additional player you add to the mix will only make the game crazier and more memorable. After all, seeing Bob fall all over the map is hilarious, but watching an entire pile of Bobs fail to achieve their goal? Just priceless.

On top of that the simple fact is that the game is just easier with more players. Levels in Human: Fall Flat don't really change whether you are playing on your own or on a large group, so if you are having issues with a specific level you are guaranteed to overcome it if you get some extra Bobs to help you on your quest.

Grabbing is Your Best Friend

Behind the silly characters and motions Human: Fall Flat is still a physics platformer in the vein of Portal and this means that momentum can go a long way to help you solve or even skip entire portions of a level.


But how does this relate to grabbing? Well, the momentum of your movement doesn't stop when you grab onto something, so if you build up enough speed and grab a corner in the right time, you'll be able to pull off crazy turns and reach areas that seemed impossible.

It'll take some time to completely master this technique, but we assure you that it's well worth the effort. Many of the game's levels reward you for finding exploits like this, and some of the most challenging fan-made levels assume you'll know how to pull this off. So, it's time to turn Human: Fall Flat into your next Tony Hawk and learn some impressive tricks to speed run the levels.


Fan-modes Keep the Fun Alive

Had enough of trying to beat a given level or figuring out puzzles? Well, the good news is that Fall Flat offers far more than that. And by far the most variety you can find in game modes is when you start checking out fan-made stages.

Fan stages are added as free updates to the game regularly and you can easily tell them apart because they get super creative with what you can do in the game. One of the most popular and a favorite of ours are the golf themed levels for how different they feel. Take to the court with your friends and enjoy a relaxing session or golf... or even better, hit each other to try and get your friend on the hole!

It's a brand-new way to play and it'll help you rediscover why the game was so much fun in the first place.


Don't Take it Too Seriously

This is a game where you'll fall, flop, die and sometimes even fail to walk in a straight line, but all of that is part of the fun. The entire point of Human: Fall Flat is that everything is a bit wonky and a bit silly. So, expect a lot of silly shenanigans as you play and keep it all in the silly spirit of the game.

If a level becomes too challenging call some pals, we assure you you'll be able to beat the level in a snap. And if you are tired of puzzles jump into one of the alternate modes. There's no right or wrong way to play the game, so feel free to switch up your routine at any time.



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