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Puzzles & Survival

Puzzles & Survival

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  • Nov 21, 2022
  • 4.0.96
  • 970.9 MB
  • 37GAMES


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Puzzles and Survival is a game of puzzles and Survival. The game features 24 levels, each with its unique challenges. You start as a man who has to escape from a room. You'll unlock new characters with unique abilities as you progress through the levels. The game is simple but challenging. All ages and genders can play it, so it's an excellent choice for your family or friends! Here are some gameplay tips and strategies for Puzzles & Survival.

Learn How to Solve Puzzles

The first thing you need to do is learn how to solve puzzles on your own. It will take time, but if you're dedicated enough, you'll be able to do it. Start learning how to solve puzzles with simple ones like sudoku or crossword puzzles. Once you get the hang of these puzzles, move on to more difficult ones like jigsaw puzzles or even Rubik's cubes! Once you've mastered solving these puzzles on your own without help from others, it's time for tip number two!

Use the Right Weapon for the Right Situation

If you're fighting a group of zombies or other creatures, use a shotgun or assault rifle instead of pistols or rifles. This way, you can kill more of them at once before they get too close and attack you from behind.

Make Sure That All Your Weapons Are Fully Loaded Before Going Into Battle

If you run out of ammo during a fight and don't have time to reload, then it's game over for you! Always ensure that all your weapons are fully loaded before the battle. Have extra ammo stored somewhere so that if something goes wrong (e.g., running out of ammo), you can continue fighting by using some stored bullets!


Collect All the Coins in Each Level

The first tip we have for Forpuzzles and Survival is to collect all the coins on each level. These coins are essential because they allow you to buy upgrades in the shop. With these upgrades, it might be easier to beat some levels in the game.

Upgrade Your Weapons First

Our second tip for Forpuzzles and Survival is to upgrade your weapons before upgrading anything else. Since this game has a lot of enemies that can kill you quickly, having more potent weapons will help you deal with them more effectively without much trouble at all! To upgrade your weapons, visit one of the shops around each level (marked as red dots on your map).

Don't Waste Time on Items You Don't Need

If a puzzle has a lot of items, it can be tempting to collect them all. However, this is one of the worst things you can do in a puzzle game. If you don't use an item, it will just sit there until you have time to use it again. The best thing to do is collect only what you need and leave the rest behind. That way, when you return to the puzzle later, fewer items will be available, and you will save time trying.


Use Bombs Wisely

Bombs are excellent for clearing out large swaths of enemies, but they're not always the best choice. While they can be used to deal with bosses and mini-bosses, they're also instrumental if you want to clear out a small area without using your primary weapon.

For example, if you're fighting a boss with a lot of health and are surrounded by minions, you'll want to use bombs to clear out the surrounding terrain so that you can attack safely. Bombing won't save you in every situation, but it's one of the most effective ways of dealing with large groups of enemies. Figure out which ones are useful or not.

Similarly, if certain items aren't required for solving the puzzle, save your bombs on them! It may seem like they are needed at first glance, but they aren't! Instead of wasting bombs trying to solve something that isn't necessary (and therefore won't help!), save them for more essential uses later on in the game (like bosses).

Make Sure You Have Enough Bombs to Fight Bosses Before Fighting Them

You'll need to use bombs sparingly on regular enemies in the early game. However, if you're going to fight a boss or mini-boss, make sure you've got enough bombs. The last thing you want is to run out of bombs when you're fighting something challenging (or if you're running low on health).


For puzzles is a puzzle game that combines the classic gameplay of Tetris and Puyo Puyo. The game has two modes: puzzles and Survival. The former requires players to clear all blocks in a given level, while the latter requires players to defeat their opponents using different strategies. While some players may find the game easy, others would need some help with tips and strategies to win in either mode.



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