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Fruit Ninja

Fruit Ninja

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  • Nov 20, 2022
  • 3.21.0
  • 266.8 MB
  • Halfbrick Studios


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Fruit Ninja is a very fun game to play. It is a very popular casual game that has been around for years. It's available on nearly every platform, including mobile devices, PS4, and Xbox One.

The game is simple in its premise: you play as a ninja who must slice fruit falling from the sky with his sword. The fruit comes in various shapes and sizes, but it all falls in one direction at a time, making it easy to predict where the next piece will land. If you slice them all perfectly, they turn into coins that can be used to upgrade your weapons or purchase new ones. Here are the strategies and tips to help you get started.

Consider Bananas First in Arcade Mode

In the Arcade mode, you have to slice as many fruits as possible within a certain time limit. The more fruit you slice, the more points you will earn. However, if you slice a bomb or miss an attack, your score will be deducted by 10%. To avoid this, always aim for bananas whenever possible because they give 50 points each and are worth double points when sliced in one swipe (e.g., two bananas = 100 points).

Drop Fruit to Miss Bombs in Classic Mode

Classic mode is similar to Arcade mode except that there is no time limit, and bombs no longer appear after every few levels. Instead, they appear randomly after every few slices and can only be avoided by dropping fruit. The best strategy here is to drop apples or oranges onto bombs as they are much lighter than watermelons or pineapples, so they won't hit your fingers when dropped at high speeds. This way, you can keep playing without worrying about getting hit by a bomb!

Aim to Slice Diagonally

The best way to slice the fruit is by slicing it diagonally, as it gives you an extra point. If you have played Fruit Ninja before, you might know that it gives you a point if you cut the fruit in half. But when slicing vertically, it is easier for bombs to slip by and hit your fingers on the screen. So if you can slice diagonally, it will be harder for bombs to get through and hit your fingers. Besides, it will give you the most points, and it will also give you more time to make the next cut.


Drop Fruit to Miss Bombs in Classic Mode

In classic mode, bombs are randomly placed on the screen, and you must slice them before they explode into pieces of fruit. If you can't get rid of them quickly enough, they'll blow up, and you lose an apple or two (or three). If a bomb explodes while there is no other fruit around — even if it was one of the bombs that spawned by itself — it would drop one piece of fruit when it explodes (making it easier for you to clear that row). So if there's a bomb in a row with several pieces of fruit, try dropping some so that the bomb goes off without hitting anything else!

Short Swipe Pomegranates

The pomegranate is the most valuable fruit in Fruit Ninja Classic. This comes in handy for two reasons: you can earn extra points by slicing multiple pomegranates at once, and it's also an excellent way to break up the monotony of chopping all the other fruits. If you're having trouble with long swipes and want to increase your score, try shortening them instead. This will help you avoid bombs and keep things moving smoothly so that you don't get stuck with a long series of repeats or bombs.

Drop Fruit to Miss Bombs in Classic Mode

If you're playing Fruit Ninja Classic on an older device that doesn't have gyroscope support (or if you simply prefer not to use it), then dropping fruit instead of slashing them can be just as effective at avoiding bombs as swiping them away with a finger. Just tap on any fruit that appears above a bomb, and it will drop down into whatever space is below it, clearing out any nearby explosives in the process!


Use Fingers Instead of Thumbs for Fast Swiping

Fruit Ninja Classic is all about fast swiping. The game is designed to be played with your fingers, not your thumbs. To do this, hold the phone in one hand and use your other hand to swipe across the screen. This allows you to slice multiple pieces of fruit at once rather than just one at a time. If you're having trouble getting started with this technique, try holding the phone closer to the bottom so that your thumb isn't in the way as much.

Don't Run Through Levels

Another thing to remember when playing Fruit Ninja is that it's important not to rush through levels too quickly because this will cause players to make mistakes while playing. Players should focus on getting as many points as possible before moving on to the next level because if they rush through levels without achieving high scores, they won't receive any bonus points or achievements at the end of each level or overall achievement awards such as "Perfectionist" or "High Score."


Fruit Ninja is certainly a very addictive game with plenty of strategies; however, to effectively receive the high score that you desire, there are various information and tips that you can use as a group. This information and tips will help you become more skilled in the game within no time at all.



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