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Clash Royale

Clash Royale

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  • Oct 26, 2022
  • 3.3024.2
  • 207.6 MB
  • Supercell


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Clash Royale is a mobile strategy video game developed and published by Supercell. The game combines elements from collectible card games, tower defense, and multiplayer online battle arena. The game is set in the Clash of Clans universe.

Players are ranked by their trophy count. The game also features a live chat, where players can communicate with each other.

Clash Royale is free-to-play, with in-game purchases available for optional content.

How to Play Clash Royale?

Clash Royale is set in the fictional kingdom of Clash World. The game features characters from the Clash of Clans universe. These include the barbarian, the archer, the goblin, the giant, the wall breaker, the balloon, the wizard, the dragon, PEKKA, jack sparrow etc.

There are four arenas in Clash Royale: Goblin Stadium (Arena 1), Bone Pit (Arena 2), Barbarian Bowl (Arena 3), and P.E.K.K.A's Playhouse (Arena 4). Each successive arena unlocks new cards to be earned or purchased with gold or gems. Cards can be upgraded using gold earned from winning matches or donated by friends. There are two types of battles in Clash Royale: player vs player and clan wars.

Clash Royale Tips and Tricks

If you're just getting started in Clash Royale, or you're looking to improve your game, we've got some tips and tricks for you.

* One of the most important things in Clash Royale is knowing when to attack and when to defend. If you're being attacked by a lot of troops, it's usually best to wait until they're almost at your tower before attacking them, so that you can take them out before they do too much damage.


* Another important thing to remember is that each tower has a different range, so you need to be aware of that when you're attacking. If you're attacking a tower from too far away, the troops will just stop and not do any damage.

* It's also important to use a mix of troops when attacking, so that you can take advantage of their different strengths and weaknesses. For example, using giants to take out towers guarded by archers is usually a good idea, because the giants will absorb the arrows while the other troops do the damage.

* Defensive buildings can be just as important as offensive ones in Clash Royale. If you have a lot of buildings that generate elixir (the currency used in the game), make sure to put them behind your towers so that they'll be defended if your opponent tries to attack them.

* Spell cards can be very helpful in both offensive and defensive situations, so it's worth taking the time to upgrade them whenever possible.

By following these tips, you should be well on your way to becoming a Clash Royale pro!

The Best Clash Royale Decks

Whether you’re a Clash Royale veteran or just starting out, it’s always helpful to have the best decks in your arsenal. With the right combination of cards, you can take down any opponent – even those pesky three-crowners.

To help you build the ultimate deck, we’ve put together a list of the best Clash Royale decks for each arena. From starters to pros, there’s a deck for everyone.

The Best Clash Royale Decks for Each Arena:

Arena 1: Goblin Stadium

Deck 1:

* Cards: Goblin Hut, Spear Goblins, Archers, Goblins, Baby Dragon, Fireball

* Strategy: The Goblin Hut can be used to continuously spawn Spear Goblins and Goblins, which can be used to swarm and overwhelm opponents. The Baby Dragon and Archers provide long-range support, while the Fireball can be used to take out groups of enemies.

Arena 2: Bone Pit


Deck 2:

* Cards: Minions, Skeleton Army, Bomber, Musketeer, Baby Dragon, Giant Skeleton

* Strategy: This deck relies on cheap minions and skeletons to overwhelm opponents. The Bomber and Musketeer provide long-range support, while the Baby Dragon can take out groups of enemies. The Giant Skeleton is your trump card – use him wisely!

How to counter popular Clash Royale decks?

One important thing to remember is that every deck has a weakness, so even if you're up against a seemingly unbeatable opponent, there's always a chance to turn the tables. With that in mind, let's take a look at some specific countered for popular Clash Royale decks.

Glant-Skeleton Deck

The Giant-Skeleton deck is built around the Giant Skeleton card, which is a massive troop with high hitpoints and damage. The deck also usually includes Bomber and Baby Dragon cards for air support, along with Tombstone and Skeleton Army cards to swarm opponents.

One of the best ways to counter this deck is with the Hog Rider card. The Hog Rider can quickly deal huge amounts of damage to towers, and he's especially effective against the Giant Skeleton since he can take him out without getting within range of his deadly bomb ability. Other good choices against this deck include comet spells and Elite Barbarians.

Hog Rider Deck

The Hog Rider deck is built around — you guessed it — the Hog Rider card. This powerful troop can quickly deal massive damage to towers, making him a serious threat if left unchecked. The Hog Rider deck usually also includes Freeze and Fireball spells for additional support. Goblin Barrels are often used as well for dropping extra Goblins onto enemy towers.

One effective way to counter this deck is by using bait cards like Princess or Goblins to lure the Hog Rider away from your towers, then taking him out with long-range troops or spells before he can do too much damage. Another option is to use defensive buildings like Inferno Towers or Teslas to take out the Hog Rider before he gets close enough to do serious harm.

How to Get Free Clash Royale Gems?

One of the big reasons people spend money on Clash Royale is to buy gems, which can speed up your progression through the game by letting you buy items in the shop and bypassing the waiting period for chests.


Here are some top tips on how to get free Clash Royale gems without spending any money.

* Complete Achievements: There are always a few achievements available to complete, and each one rewards you with a certain number of gems. You can check what achievements are currently available by tapping on the Achievements button in the main menu.

* Open Chests: As you win battles, you'll earn different types of chests that take varying amounts of time to open. The higher-level chests contain more gems, so it's worth waiting for them to unlock if you can. You can speed up the process by using gems, but it's not worth spending real money on unless you're really impatient!

* Complete Daily Quests: Every day, you'll be given a new quest to complete, such as winning a certain number of battles or upgrading a card to level 3. These usually only take a few minutes to complete and reward you with around 50 gems each time.

* Play at Least Once Every Day: Every day that you log in and play Clash Royale, even if it's just for a couple of minutes, you'll earn 10 free gems. This might not seem like much, but it quickly adds up over time!

Clash Royale Tournaments

Clash Royale tournaments are online or offline competitions in which players compete against each other using pre-selected decks of cards. Tournaments typically have a specific entry fee and offer prizes to the top finishers.

Players can join tournaments by creating or finding a clan that is hosting one. tournament rules will vary depending on the format, but most follow similar structure: players are placed into groups of 4 or 8, and matches are played against others in the same group. The winner of each match advances to the next round, until there is a final winner.

Tournaments can be a great way to test your skills against other players and win prizes. If you're interested in joining a tournament, be sure to check the rules carefully so that you understand what's expected of you.



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